Slime Time!
Hi guys! It's your slime master, Eliana! Today, I'll be teaching you guys how to make slime! Okay, let's get started! So, when making slime you MUST be safe. This is 100% SAFE! Okay, the ingredients you will be needing today is: * Elmer's Glue : Clear, Glitter or White, not Glue Sticks or Goes On Purple And Dries Clear *Saline Solution, contact solution works too *Baking Soda (Arm And Hammer, etc) *Food Coloring or paint, optional *Metallic powder, optional as well! *UV powder, optional as well as the last two! *Glitter, Sequin, Foam Beads, etc, optional. *Spoon/Fork/Spork/Knife (be careful!) Craft Stick *Bowl ...